L68B1 Mast Section Problems that should be paid attention to in the night construction of tower crane


Due to the heavy construction tasks, tight time, and tight construction period, some construction sites must be carried out at night. However, during night construction, the following requirements should be noted:

1. The construction of the tower crane at night must be understood by the nearby residential areas and units.

2. During the construction of the tower crane at night, it is required that the tower crane be equipped with obstacle lights. The operation area must be strictly enclosed. During the shelter, there must also be a light to avoid unrelated personnel and vehicles from approaching the site.

3. The tower crane avoids overtime work during night operation, and in particular does not allow the operator to work continuously, resulting in the risk of accidents in the event of fatigue.

4. Weather changes should also be strictly observed at night. When there are unfavorable weather changes such as thunderstorms, strong winds, and hail, they should stop work immediately and rest all.

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