L68A1 Mast Section Classification of slewing mode of tower crane and introduction of its advantages and disadvantages


According to the slewing mode of the tower crane, it can be divided into the lower slewing (tower body slewing) and the upper slewing (tower body not slewing) tower crane. The following are the characteristics of the system:

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1. The lower slewing tower crane sets the slewing bearing and the main mechanism of the balance weight at the lower end. The advantages of the tower crane are: less bending moment, low center of gravity, good stability, convenient installation and maintenance. The disadvantages of the tower crane are high requirements for the slewing bearing and limited installation height.

2. The upper slewing tower crane sets the slewing bearing, balance weight and main mechanism at the upper end. Its advantage is that the tower body does not rotate, which can simplify the lower structure of the tower body and facilitate the jacking. Disadvantages: when the building exceeds the height of the tower body, due to the influence of the balance arm, the rotation of the tower crane is limited. At the same time, the center of gravity is high, the wind pressure increases, and the pressure weight increases, so that the total weight of the whole machine increases.

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