256HC Mast Section How to choose and buy tower crane, introduce some points to choose and buy knowledge for everyone to consult


regarding how to choose and buy tower crane, many construction companies or leasing companies are quite troubled, because now the tower crane products are numerous, quality is uneven, pay attention to quality, regardless of price, to this problem, our factory, based on years of production and sales experience, introduce emphatically a few points to choose the small knowledge of Tower Crane, for your reference. Choose and buy tower crane not more than the following points, master the future should be able to purchase good tower crane products. 1, to see the company's qualifications, the current qualifications are mainly issued by the state or the province of technical supervision issued by the "manufacturing license" and "installation, repair, modification and maintenance license" , issued by the province of the "record certificate" , in the audit of these qualifications must carefully look at the scope of production, there may be individual enterprises in excess of production, this situation is not allowed by national laws and regulations, if the purchase of such equipment is not allowed to use in the future. 2, is a quality problem, tower crane is a special equipment, the state has a very strict requirements for its manufacture and use, this must go to the production site to investigate, to see if his production technology is in line with the requirements Can Be divided into three parts to examine 1. Welding Quality 2. Quality of supporting mechanism 

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3. The quality of the raw materials and materials can be examined with emphasis on the above three points, such as lifting mechanism, rotary mechanism, amplitude-changing mechanism, electrical system, etc. Welding and raw materials now with the management of higher authorities to basically eliminate the phenomenon of non-conformity, now some manufacturers have the idea of supporting institutions, because this area for the user less clear, it's not really a matter of quality and safety. This problem is more difficult, because some professional knowledge is layman do not understand, when purchasing better with the staff who know more about tower crane can not be cheated, once some users take the price of Qtz40 to buy a QTZ315 back, you can also seek professional personnel consultation. 3, after-sales service, we must make clear the warranty period, warranty content, some manufacturers promise to warranty, but the warranty period is not charged personnel service fees, accessories or to charge. 

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